Double Tap Brewery - Hanover Township

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On Parsippany Road in Hanover Township, the old post office building is being retrofitted to be a new brewery. Repurposing old buildings for new and different uses is a way to cost effectively create facilities without having to construct entirely new buildings. This reduces the construction costs, and also brings new life to structures that may have been vacant for some time.

The interior of the building is being altered as necessary to accommodate a working brewery, and a tasting room and bar open to the public. As much as possible, the existing structure and services will remain, but some areas will be upgraded as required to support the new use.

Also part of the process was obtaining the necessary approvals from the municipal land use board for the proposed new use. This included various upgrades to the exterior, new modern lighting, and signage. With the approvals granted, the project is now having permit drawings completed to obtain the required building permits.