MLK Drive Apartments

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An empty lot on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Jersey City, New Jersey has been transformed into elegant rowhouses.

As part of an urban redevelopment project in Jersey City, four adjacent vacant lots were consolidated into a single site for the new complex. The site accommodates three separate buildings as well as a gated private parking area for residents to the rear.

Each of the three buildings has a two-story resident-owned unit with basement and a separate third-floor apartment that is rented out by the owner of the two-story unit. The two story apartments are three-bedroom units, and the third floor apartment has two bedrooms. Each apartment is provided with its own full kitchen, bathroom, and laundry area.

The exterior is brick with stone detailing to fit within the context of the neighborhood. Each unit is set back from the sidewalk three feet to allow a planter for building separation to the busy street and pedestrian traffic.