Tifa Realty

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A site that is close to the train station and a bank has been utilized in the past as an industrial complex. The owners are contemplating the clearing of the site and the construction of a new multi-use development. Part of this development would consist of several buildings with commercial spaces on the ground level and apartments above. Another section would have a number of multi-family buildings that have a more ‘residential’ character.

The initial scheme has been presented to the mayor and a small group of township officials. The next step involves a larger and more diverse focus group and then ultimately a presentation to the municipal planning board.

This redevelopment can be considered as part of a beatification of the area. The removal of the existing unsightly industrial buildings and the redevelopment of this site, that is adjacent to the Passaic River, will bring new vitality and activity to the area.

Also, since this location is a previous National Priorities Listed contamination site by the EPA (that has since been remediated), its redevelopment is in accordance with the tenets of ‘Green’ building (and LEED requirements) regarding the redevelopment and reuse of previously compromised locations.