Autobacs-Strauss: Middletown, New Jersey

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As part of a major site and building improvement to the existing facility, the existing building is to have two additions as well as a facade overhaul. The current building is a brick faced, masonry wall building on a prominent corner site on Route 35 that is showing its age. Old brick and deteriorating wall joints, as well as the outdated styling, make this building less desirable as a retail entity.

Besides the major site overhaul, there are three main improvements to be made to the building. The first improvement is the expansion of the existing Autobacs-Strauss shop area to give more space for service operations and parts storage. This expansion will require a complete overhaul of the shop.

The second improvement is an addition on the side of the building closest to the corner of the highway and the side street. This expansion will provide about 6,000 square feet of additional tenant space that can potential be divided into up to three separate tenants.

The third improvement is a complete overhaul and update of the building facades. The side facing the highway is to have a detailed canopy that will give more shade and shadow interest to the front view. Also, the application of new finish materials to the walls will provide a fresh new look without having to rebuild entire walls. The facade treatment is carried around the building to the right side so that the presentation of the new design faces both the highway and the side street.